prtl files you should be able to find them if they still live on that same system. There is no way for us to know the destination you chose, but if you search for. prtl files from within the Titler panel > Templates dialog to the destination of your choosing. In Previous versions of PrPro (10.4 or earlier), Titler templates could be exported as.

Your instructions as to how to find templates we've previously designed with the old Title Tool stink. Also, we believe users will find Essential Graphics and Motion Graphic Templates should be a superior workflow going forward, which includes the Exporting and usage of MOGRTs. In any case, I can tell you that the legacy title features have not been removed for PrPro 11.1, they have just been hidden a bit. Hopefully that is enough to get you moving again and I will try to check back later to provide more info. You will still need to enable them as templates in AE first, and that the text layers are not locked in AE. Live Text Templates - older formats like acap and aecap templates should still import and function using the same workflow you would have used in previous versions.

If you are not sure where you saved your old titles, can you maybe find them by searching for. Then 2x click to open and edit them within the Legacy titler as needed. prtl file(s) you would like to use as templates. Importing Saved Title Files as Template - Use the regular Import dialog or the media browser to find and import existing. Then open it from the project panel and your title should open in the legacy titler window with the old Styles and other features still intact, asp per CC 2016.n and earlier. Legacy Title Styles - go to File > New > Legacy Title. I'm not sure what you mean by your 'old title templates'. Please help - and could you be a bit more specific this time? You provide no folder info, no path, no nothing. Great - so WHERE are the legacy templates so I can import them? If I could have found them in any way, shape or form, I would have done so without the help of this non-helpful support post.